Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Stop Feeling Irritated

Sirius 2

But I think the star ignored
and becomes the face for not looking
was away, I try to avoid
gets lost in the night
tries to run but can not
like a dream of terror
not let it go

look at the sky and see nothing
an incomplete constellation
hidden sunken in a corner

I demosró
last look
never received a message
on my election decision

"... I have chosen you, the brightest
only a point between million
I carved my destiny in the universe
a choice that determined my destiny ... "

Saturday, May 14, 2011

German War Heroes Ww2


I run my life into the run
escaped the existence
eternal fled the high and low tide
which controls the moon.

eternal hope
hours in the rain
I do not want to be more alert
this world is not the same
the thrill is gone,

I can only recall
while still
discovered my life and know my way
which now try to avoid.

The things I had planned to do
were launched by a great chasm
firing aimlessly leaving to follow.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Brazilian Look Like

Back! but not for long = S

Holaa blogger @ s it was time to give signs of life, long ago I'm not much around here>. \u0026lt;

News: I have prepared more entries on makeup, locations, look, shopping and much more ^ ^

esque bad thing I will not come back until about two weeks = S, it appears that next week I have final exams until the day 23 not out asinque I will see the hair for a tiempecillo ( please do not weep for me =) lol) will give me 24 day notes and hope they are all adopted ^ ^ I'm cycles cycles books strips out the window = D

was a way of saying lol


Saturday, April 30, 2011

How To Connectextra Fan To Xbox 360

The meaning of life

had been one among many parties we have done here. I began to think that the fact of attending a party is an end to fill the existential void. There are many people who attend disks interact with people and have a fun time and a distraction to the void that is felt daily routine and the questions that arise about the meaning of life. The meaning of life begins in primary socialization, such as the family which provides the basis of existential security and certainty to the definition identity. Then we became independent we socially and our friendly circles. The human being is by nature a social being. A person on a disk or in a pub looking to be with people and have fun dancing, talking, drinking or using drugs that distort the senses. That leads some to begin to act differently than they are normally, some are more outgoing and happy, forgetting for a moment the daily responsibilities, frustrations about what they should do, or choose what to do with his life. For them a night at a local drinking alcohol is a great experience, because for a moment forget their empty existence. The existential vacuum is "loss of sense of life is significant "and emotion human beings need to believe again that their life has meaning. Addiction to alcohol and drugs is that some people are unable to fill their inner world with the things that life offers us only a desert feel inside if they can not alter the senses in some way to escape reality.
"That's for lack of imagination and lack of dreams." Mumble.

my novel "The Final Frontier"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sample Loan Application

When cities stain colors
And the bars are filled with dancers
Great groves cover avenues
forgotten pictures of bridges are exposed
and loneliness remains exposed to
As a tourist attraction

The secluded beaches are avoided
As the crowd
struggle for one square meter
Among urban beaches filled
Trying to draw attention
Enjoying the taste of the other
Savoring heat

Everything is done to satisfy the existence
fill the inner void
With eyes of outsiders
With laughter from unknown friends
Waking up
To say it was a good night
only for filling a few hours
The inevitable emptiness of existence

Why am I here?
Where am I going?
To Live?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Draught Excluder Snake Pattern

Today is my birthday ^ ^

IRS today is my birthday! one year but not so old xD jajaj only (17) xD and I have less to be of age ^ ^ hahaha. I think I'll celebrate this weekend ... where? haha then I'll have to think nide but the only thing I care about is spending the day with people who love me =) with some friends .. I love you!

Soon I was getting up to on the phone to turn off the alarm and suddenly I saw a few messages congratulating me haha \u200b\u200b(which made me ilu = ^. ^ =) But more grace I made was to my tomoyo =) (Besitos tomoyo).

I paint and I arranged to go to school, on my way to the bus stop was receiving more messages lol but ilu more to find me the guy I like and have to say ... but I saw it from the street that was riding on a bus -.- "only we could greet YY

Arrive at school and nobody said anything to me it seemed that no one remembered (is a new class, new people ... and understand that fall ... but ..) but I suddenly heard "congratulations xio!", "congratulations beautiful" and suddenly "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WISH YOU ALL HAPPY BIRTHDAY ..." lol I had changed above red and I said "look at her! is red!" made me lol and more lol. The truth is that I did not expect was a detail haha \u200b\u200bvery nice =)

Then at snack time my mother made my birthday cake, of course, was very good lol cake along with other goodies * ¬ * yet Jellies are but I have saved because I will take a surfeit haha. Well ... the gifts ^ ^ have given me a cute bracelet silver Sencillito but elegant, a stuffed animal with a small frame for pictures and little money for clothing or for the holidays lol. Right now I have no camera to take the little picture and show it .. if tomorrow I can have =)

And here all for today = D can not stop receiving messages congratulating

jajaja Besitos!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Transpiration Lab Practice

They existential Route

I was sitting across from her under a tree in sight of the yellow fields of Tuscany
- Tell me, do you care?
sighed looking up to heaven smiling sadly to hide his disappointment.
"They ... humans.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Feeling Dizzy After 10 Min Run

motivational phrase, I love =)

video url
The world is not all joy and color is a terrible and very hard that you can not have you kneel to blow to permanent if prevents it.

Neither you nor I nor anyone else, hits harder than life, but no matter how hard you can hit but how hard you hit and hold on as you go there to endure while continuing, that's how you win!

If you know what it is and get what you deserve, but you have to withstand the bumps and can not be saying you're not where you wanted to be because of him, her or anyone. That's what cowards do and you are not You!. YOU ARE ABLE TO EVERYTHING!

Rocky VI

I love this part of the film. The phrase comes to me so that motivates me and gives me strength to go many times and not give up, especially because it is a great truth. Hope you like it as much as Ami.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Naming Information Cannot De Located For

Several years ago, when I was a little girl and lived in southern Chile, in rural and coastal sea , had a beautiful lemon tree. (The tree still exists).

was a beautiful lemon tree, strong stem and large leaves. I used the leaves to use them as a tea made hot water. He had a rich citrus flavor. In general I like the lemon, but it was beautiful.
The only problem was that the tree did not fruit. It could be because of the weather, it was very cold, and lemons grow in hot climates, as in the central area (where I live now) or could be that it was a "male tree" as some said, that only the "trees females "could bear fruit. But that I care less in that tree, I was happy without the fruit.
Once someone came and told me I had to cut that tree and place "a female tree" that could give me lemons every winter. But have to wait at least two years to grow enough to begin to bear fruit.
I thought and then said no. I did not want another tree that occupied the place of it, but it could not lemons, and maybe the other does not want it. Do you think that would change only by the lemons, being that I really care about is the rest of this tree?
Lemons have only one season in winter and then continued with that tree so different from usual. In contrast to tree I had at the time was my special tree with beautiful leaves all year and his height looked majestically in the courtyard of the fruit trees. Would not change that beautiful tree with a different one for lemons. The fruits were a detail, but the important thing for me was the rest of the tree, something that only I could understand.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Drivers Creative Extigy Windows 7

11 beauty tips in less than a minute

1.Relax: relaxes traits applying for a few little minutes on your face a towel or cloth soaked in cold water (if possible but, more cold as possible).

2.Ojos: If you're tired of the classic smoky eye in black, give new life to your look with a blue kohl-leo petroleum or metallic gray, and do not forget to even.

3.Base: The key to a silky skin is to apply the right amount of makeup. Do not use sponges, they absorb too much product, choose a brush, give better results.

4.Mejillas: No best glamorous a blush, but be careful when you apply it ... Extend it with the brush just above the top of the cheeks, as I call osease the apples xD.

5.Bye Sal: Drink a glass of water before bed to decrease the amount of salt in the body. Better to sleep lying down.

6.Duración: LACA NEVER! If you want to be perfect all night, sprayed a mist over face moisturizer or water oats.

perfect 7.Piel: if you want a perfect makeup you should have perfect skin, and how? as having a good deep cleansing, pampering and taking care of your skin.

8.Cabello: Da body to straight hair dryer moving average temperature for the roots and if you have wavy alisatelo.

9.Iluminadores: perfect to highlight the makeup, but beware, do not apply over wrinkles and imperfections because out even more.

10.Perfume: Does it go hand in hand? erase their tracks from a cotton swab with some alcohol in the area.

11.Pestañas: If you want to prolong the life of your mask and avoid lumps, do not shake the applicator inside the container so that no air enters.


Good Standing Per Dentisti

Garnier Exfocepillo

Today I bring you a post about the new Garnier (although the market takes time xD). It is an exfoliant that deeply unplugging pores and removes blackheads. Its function anti-granos/anti-borbulhas and anti-brands.
is a product indicated for deep cleaning, especially for those who have oily skin but also for combination skin. I advise that for those who have dry skin do not use it, and say why? I see it I have combination skin (which is forehead and nose a little oily and the cheeks dry / normal) and the first time I used it irritated me a lot of face, seemed to me excosia and was red as a tomato, I'm not the only one who believes that, I I reported and it happens that there are many more chic @ s that happen as well. They think it may be by salicylic acid 2% + herbareapir ... because it is a very strong action and harmful to the face ...
One of the positive things that have this product or rather its format is the inclusion of the brush, has 170 flexible ultra-soft fiber that does not scratch the face.

Funcionamiento: El cabezal es rotativo y se gira para dejar pasar el producto por una pequeña abertura en el centro de las cerdas.  Basta con colocar el bote boca abajo y presionar un poquito que salga un gel de color ligeramente azul. A continuación, se humedecen las cerdas y ya se puede "cepillar" la piel con suaves movimientos circulares. Para finalizar, solamente hay que aclarar bien con agua.
Resultado: he odio que el resultado se nota de inmediato...pues hombre en parte si, retira las células muertas y además limpia los poros en profundidad, aunque, con los puntos negros no puedo decir the same, does a little work to remove even with continued treatment will effect ...

How often should I echármelo? indicated in the boat everyday, but personally it is better to use it every 2 or 3 times a week, not to damage both the skin ...

brings about 150ml and is worth about 6 €

And now here's my question ... What do you think? Do you have tasted?


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Free Churidar Pyjama Cutting

Tricks of the famous Astor

Today I bring you a post on some tricks of the beauty of the celebrities who make themselves to be perfect ...

Aida Folch Apply Vaseline to lips eyelashes instead of mascara, so the abuser least, hydrates and brightens your eyes naturally. Angelina Jolie

Print body and volume to her long hair with talcum powder. It is applied from roots to ends with damp hair and then dry it with dryer. The result is surprising and also hides the fat. Claudia Schiffer

German model is a shade of blonde super special. Flushed with beer once a week helps to clarify, gives shine and volume to your hair. (Personally I would not do it for beer, I think there are other remedies better)

Nicole Kidman The hair of the actress is always bright and very loud. To keep it healthy and strong, Nicole is applied at least once a month a mask with bananas, honey, yogurt and a few drops of wheat germ oil. Cindy Crawford

At 44 years, just have wrinkles or facial blemishes. Your choice, you use every day, is to mix warm water and whole milk to equal parts. After soaking a cotton pad with the mixture and is applied to the face. Cameron Diaz

She keeps an ally in his bag for party nights: lipstick. Use it instead of blush to the cheeks touched up. The result is spectacular. Gwyneth Paltrow

She has an enviable skin, very natural, luminous, flawless. His rule of thumb is to never sleep without having desmaquillado, drink 2 or 3 liters of water a day and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Nor eat meat, drink alcohol, do not smoke and does not take products containing caffeine, sugar or flour. Now, that is take care!

Colombian singer Shakira has a special trick the body's skin: a scrub with sugar and a squeeze of lemon, which she prepares herself. When applied, removes dead cells. Then rinse with water and some soap and massage mucha crema hidratante. ¿El resultado? Una piel de bebé.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mucus Dry Before Period

El otro día me compre el Perfect Stay de Astor el Nº 102 Berry Pink, porque de todos los tonos que hay, es el que mas me gusta y bueno voy a dejar mis opiniones sobre este producto =)
Duración: debo de decir que si pero muy poco, solo se mantienen los oscuros, de los nude se van con tan solo beber o comer...=S

Formato: I like your format, you have a fine point with which I can paint and get a fine finish. In its extreme consists of two parts: a lipstick that is what you paint (obviously) and moisturizer.

How to Use: in the bar you come to follow simple instructions, which are painted and then moisturize it difficult xD uff! LoL xD jajajajaj

Pigmentation: pigmented finish quite well and is very nice but if you have rajilla or wrinkle this will mark a lot and I do not like the truth. When we paint the lips or at least in my case I like to be Lisita and not to wrinkles = S. It is light and just wearing it notes that the base of carrying water and this is very good =) but as you put the moisturizer you take off a little color and be a bit heavy, I just miss me. ..
Content: not put

T_T Well this is my opinion I hope you have enjoyed and to serve you something. I personally do not think alomejor buy it again over time and use and such ... can you change your opinion ... but for now I think not =)


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where Can I Get Howrse Cards

Stay Perfect Look Miley Cyrus

Step 1: Use a correct both beige and green, depends on the imperfections we have ...

Step 2: Apply a base mate to avoid glare and a powder to unify the tone

Step 3:
Cover the entire eyelid pale pink shade (disfuminandolo enough product to go up ) and then covered under the eyebrow (arc eye) and tear with a pearl-white shadow to brighten the look.

Step 4: Outline
eye (thin line) + 2 or 3 coats of mascara.

Step 5:
Rouge-> nude tone as we will use a light pink to give it some color and life in the face.

Step 6:
Lips-> light pink, nude tone, like the blush ....

Secret makeup Miley by her makeup artist Mai Quyhn:

For the tabs, she uses mascara, no eyeliner and a base of Avon, and other black mask volume of Yves Saint Lauren several layers.
For cheeks, use a cream and powder pink (less intense the cream and some gold). Then use powder for the color lasts. And on his lips, use light colors.

Besides, I'm not really super intense color ....


Best Outfit For A Date

I'm here again

holaaa a tod @ s I'm here again, between exams and the computer to me damaged, and could not write at all = S but I'm free lol I have several entries in mind these days .... the try to upload =)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Powerpoint For Church Wedding Sample

Winter Lemon Fade

may not want to see the stars
may not want to see sunlight

I could not
fly so high To understand the greatness of the world
Since fallen leaves in autumn
watched the world from below

may just want to live to the rhythm of a song
melodic dream in a world unreal

If I ever stop thinking
may then cease to exist

could not see the light fade
And my soul floating in the ether
Inside of someone's imagination.

could not see the lease time
And the story that marked my way
The opportunity to begin again.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Counter The Side Effects Of Olimelt

A cold sound that comes from a pale creature
Embedded in the snow clinging to a pine
with white wings like leaves in winter
Whisper quiet passing of time.
"observes the sun and your soul cries out
That winter
clouded your destiny And I let you so cold that only
you hold your tiny existence."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter Of Admission To Dental University Sample

How to dress for the occasion

Well first of all I must say that this post is not written specifically for me, but some notes I took of Big Brother when they did the test school and one of the subjects was "style." Caught my attention and there were things that match and I found it interesting enough to upload it, here's asinque. Hope you like it =)

To go shopping:

Girls -> jeans, jackets, chubby taconcillos (low or medium), boots and chic without complement ! Why did frame?, Because as we go shopping, when clothing and prove that bother us, we can carry some accessories ... but you end up overwhelming and more if they are long necklaces, big bangles , earrings .... What we want for this type of look is to go light, comfortable and beautiful.

Tamien This look can be used to go to school

Boys -> usually go with casual or urban style, with jeans, a T-shirt boots we'll be fine.

To go to work or school:

Girls -> should be elegant but discreet, in the makeup like clothes, discreet and hair, collected or semi collected, no hair on the face, you have to go clear and discrete hahaha.

Boys -> to like girls, they should be stylish but discreet.

Dinner with family:

Girls -> and lgante, sophisticated and discreet but sacándote a little party, get your potential. We must not look like a cool but not super demure, you should go somewhere in between.

Boys -> elgant, trousers with a polo shirt or go very well. Ah! and no dress up as a nightclub, remember!, we are with the family.

Night romantic partner:

Girls -> Some dress sexy but not too bold, but show no hint! . For those that go there ... in your underwear for a nice linceria, eg lace, gauze, combinations, colors: red, black, white ... usually more for underwear ....

Boys -> if you are not very supportive for the suit jacket ... a shirt with pants and jacket .... in underwear, some black boxer ....

To leave a link / Party:

Girls -> a dress or skirt and some leggings and a vest (width or notched) with a taconcillos're perfect. Hairstyle: Loose, toupee, high tail, curls ... and many accessories ... depends on the size and how they are ....

The girl is all set for "Fab chic and fit"

Boys -> jeans, a vest or a pole fitted with booties dress will be great =) Besitos


Monday, February 7, 2011

Images Of Women Their Showing Armpits

Holaa Bloggers! Today I bring you special! ^ ^

As it is Valentine's Day I wanted to do a special like I did for Christmas,
where you will find several ideas ...

As a matter quite Larguita will divide it into sections ... links below will let you to go directly to what interests you =) hope you like =)

Hairstyles Makeup
Clothing & Nails

Nadine J Demilenavelba

Valentine's Day Special Valentine's Day Special - Special Clothing & Nails


most typical colors are red, pink, black ... depends on the situation, where or bone that we do have a look or another ...

Not that this is what has to be but just an idea, as more fixed dinner, lunch, arregladito but not and dinner, and evening, more urban ...
but of course it depends as I said before ... depends on where we go to go ...


Well depends on what color clothing go to a safe manicure that never fails is French is very pretty and always looks good to me, is my favorite and I normally do. To make it not need a special occasion, but whenever you want.

Brazilian Wax For Overweight Women

Valentine - Valentine Special

For some people this day is special and not others, there are those who are more concerned with their appearance and others that leave a little (lot) entrails ... but it is a normal day like any other I think we should arrange a little bit more than usual, not only for us but for them.

They like that we're good, feel fortunate and proud to have us because they know (but we will say nothing) that much of what we do for them, and they like it.
So I leave here a number of styles that I think you'll like =)

Cola High or Horse:
is an easy hairstyle to do, is for all hair types. Can be super straight (smooth) or natural, which is from the root to tail, with or without bangs, and natural tail, smooth or with some waves or curls ...
Cola braid to the side and tousled: sencillito hair is a natural and easy. In the queue for that is not completely smooth you can get a few waves in water, and can leave about mechoncitos bangs to the side, and braid, as well with no complications, only to catch us a braid to the side and make . Once you have the shake the very strong and now the taste of each tousled effect give more or less ...

Smooth: There are two types of smooth, with a little volume or 100% smooth. The latter is most desired by all the girls and the hardest to get. Use iron or hair dryer and put your bangs to the front or side, you choose.

Middle Collected: top A small nest surrounded by a tiara with or without tie, his hair over her shoulders. In addition, we can curl a little.

Classic: For those who do not have big hair, I show you this look classic and modern at the same time that sexy and elegant.
Peinado Dulce: Makes your face may be the more sweet, angelic touch. How do you do?, Because some hair curling and smoothing a little fringe, if you do not make you time with a curling iron, just with a little foam and a diffuser get this look.