Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Draught Excluder Snake Pattern

Today is my birthday ^ ^

IRS today is my birthday! one year but not so old xD jajaj only (17) xD and I have less to be of age ^ ^ hahaha. I think I'll celebrate this weekend ... where? haha then I'll have to think nide but the only thing I care about is spending the day with people who love me =) with some friends .. I love you!

Soon I was getting up to on the phone to turn off the alarm and suddenly I saw a few messages congratulating me haha \u200b\u200b(which made me ilu = ^. ^ =) But more grace I made was to my tomoyo =) (Besitos tomoyo).

I paint and I arranged to go to school, on my way to the bus stop was receiving more messages lol but ilu more to find me the guy I like and have to say ... but I saw it from the street that was riding on a bus -.- "only we could greet YY

Arrive at school and nobody said anything to me it seemed that no one remembered (is a new class, new people ... and understand that fall ... but ..) but I suddenly heard "congratulations xio!", "congratulations beautiful" and suddenly "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WISH YOU ALL HAPPY BIRTHDAY ..." lol I had changed above red and I said "look at her! is red!" made me lol and more lol. The truth is that I did not expect was a detail haha \u200b\u200bvery nice =)

Then at snack time my mother made my birthday cake, of course, was very good lol cake along with other goodies * ¬ * yet Jellies are but I have saved because I will take a surfeit haha. Well ... the gifts ^ ^ have given me a cute bracelet silver Sencillito but elegant, a stuffed animal with a small frame for pictures and little money for clothing or for the holidays lol. Right now I have no camera to take the little picture and show it .. if tomorrow I can have =)

And here all for today = D can not stop receiving messages congratulating

jajaja Besitos!


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