Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Standing Per Dentisti

Garnier Exfocepillo

Today I bring you a post about the new Garnier (although the market takes time xD). It is an exfoliant that deeply unplugging pores and removes blackheads. Its function anti-granos/anti-borbulhas and anti-brands.
is a product indicated for deep cleaning, especially for those who have oily skin but also for combination skin. I advise that for those who have dry skin do not use it, and say why? I see it I have combination skin (which is forehead and nose a little oily and the cheeks dry / normal) and the first time I used it irritated me a lot of face, seemed to me excosia and was red as a tomato, I'm not the only one who believes that, I I reported and it happens that there are many more chic @ s that happen as well. They think it may be by salicylic acid 2% + herbareapir ... because it is a very strong action and harmful to the face ...
One of the positive things that have this product or rather its format is the inclusion of the brush, has 170 flexible ultra-soft fiber that does not scratch the face.

Funcionamiento: El cabezal es rotativo y se gira para dejar pasar el producto por una pequeña abertura en el centro de las cerdas.  Basta con colocar el bote boca abajo y presionar un poquito que salga un gel de color ligeramente azul. A continuación, se humedecen las cerdas y ya se puede "cepillar" la piel con suaves movimientos circulares. Para finalizar, solamente hay que aclarar bien con agua.
Resultado: he odio que el resultado se nota de inmediato...pues hombre en parte si, retira las células muertas y además limpia los poros en profundidad, aunque, con los puntos negros no puedo decir the same, does a little work to remove even with continued treatment will effect ...

How often should I echármelo? indicated in the boat everyday, but personally it is better to use it every 2 or 3 times a week, not to damage both the skin ...

brings about 150ml and is worth about 6 €

And now here's my question ... What do you think? Do you have tasted?



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