Monday, October 18, 2010

Erection On The Beach


The ARAG-Asaja farmers union has presented a study of production costs 'triggers' to 73 cents a crop price of a kilo of grapes in Rioja. The report, based on data from a specialized consultant and verified, as the organization says, with more than 150 growers who participated in some training sessions, taking into account the income limit agreed by the Inter this season (10 % less grapes covered and an additional 1% in processing), so that the results would be above those of a normal campaign.
The figures are far from the most optimistic assessments of last season and the outlook for the current. The report, plus the cost of cultivation unit, extrapolated the costs of wine production to also determine where is the minimum threshold of profitability for a grower or a cooperative.

In this case, the price of a kilo of grapes 'transformed' rises to 0.85 cents (twelve extra), so that the hopper (16 liters) would be profitable from the 19.71 euros, a value still farther from what has been paid in the last year, even in the last two. So, this year 2010 has been cooperative operations in the vicinity of the 9 euros la cántara, una ruina para los agricultores.

Por todo ello, y después de la limitación del rendimiento amparado para esta campaña, se esta intentando una propuesta conjunta del sector productor con un contrato que identifique a comprador y vendedor, determinando en el mismo la duración, los parámetros de calidad de la uva, la forma de recepción y control, el precio, la facturación y forma de pago (plazos) e incluso indemnizaciones o resoluciones contractuales por incumplimiento.

Datos Meteorológicos día: 18.10.10 Hogar CEPA ARAR

Air Temperature: Max: 12.8 º C Min: 5.9 ° C

Relative Humidity: 61%

Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 liters / M2

Solar Radiation: 56 W/M2


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