Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Speeches Company Anniversary


Recuerdo muy bien tus palabras de desánimo, que me quitaban el sueño.
Y tú lo que menos habrías pensado en ese momento
que a alguien le importaras tanto como a mi

Recuerdo bien estristesos suspiros que me bajaban el ánimo
trataba de descifrar que había detrás de tantas palabras
mi vida era una ilusión de lo que yo soñaba
y cuando dejé de soñar dejó de ser una ilusión
lo que había deseado ahora era real

quizás nunca llegues a enterarte todo lo que pensé
todo lo I was turning, so I walked unveiled
way, without consciousness through the streets
wondering about your life, what would you think
I did not realize you were in your prison closed chained
to see what really happened

One day strike your door and nobody answered
then realized it was useless to continue with the illusion you never
you'd realize what it cost me and
would never have had to deal with my interest

would have happened if the sun did not shine
that day would have happened if we would not have crossed
would have happened if he had never had the courage?

unconsciously one day you realize everything
and hope to flourish again
that's what we changed the color
life and away the shadows all regained normal


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